Ten Strategies for Organizing Your Writing Life – Part 8

photo 3One of the last things you need to do when implementing these ten strategies for organizing your writing life is…

#9. Eliminate Time Wasters

As your project unfolds, if you notice that your tasks aren’t getting done as planned, review your timeline and how you’re using your time. Identify any time wasters. Then create shortcuts for tasks that are wasting time, or even temporarily stop any activities that aren’t aligned with your writing goals. Focus on what’s important. Concentrate on what will move your writing project forward. Be consistent, yet remain flexible. Make sure you use what you create; don’t waste your creative energy. For example, if you create a system to physically organize your writing, use it regularly.  

People often focus on money as a precious resource. However, time is also an incredibly precious resource. There are many famous examples of people who — despite all their money — could not buy health or peace of mind, and ended up losing their lives. Be aware of how you’re spending your time. It can make a big difference in your productivity, especially when writing is involved. Recent statistics show that people spend several hours or more a day watching TV. Facebook, Twitter, and other computer activities can be fun and relaxing, but non-productive. Imagine what you could create if you spent that time writing. It is sometimes hard to impose gentle discipline on yourself, yet discipline you must — if you wish to put the necessary time into your projects.

As you seek to prioritize aspects of your writing project, remember this inspirational Henry Ford quote, “Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward.”

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